The science and policy of natural assets and environmental markets are evolving rapidly and require nimble institutions to provide the innovations necessary to link economic and environmental interests.
Spatial Informatics Group, LLC (SIG) has been a successful driver of innovation and on-the-ground change in the science and policy of natural assets and environmental markets since 1998. A key strength of SIG is the ability to integrate disparate sciences and competing viewpoints into practical applications and real solutions. SIG has been successful by maintaining an independent, third-party, neutral stance on complex research topics.
As SIG has grown to integrate more complicated issues, its organizational structure needed to evolve to match the realities of existing partnering institutions, policies, and perceptions. A non-profit culture and ethos has always been part of SIG and has been part of the growth plan since inception. It became clear that the public benefit elements of the SIG approach to science need to be formally segmented into a separate, but linked entity.
In 2012, the non-profit Spatial Informatics Group – Natural Assets Laboratory (SIG-NAL) was created to meet this need. SIG-NAL broadens the reach of the technical capacity and professional networks of SIG to create a more flexible entity with increased effectiveness in a dynamic economic and political context working for the public benefit.
SIG-NAL operates as a distinct entity from SIG but is closely linked through the appointment by the SIG Managing Principal of the Board of Directors President.
SIG-NAL acts as a “laboratory” working on different aspects of the science and application of natural assets within the green economy.
SIG-NAL Lab members are associated or affiliated with many different sectors (academic, corporate, NGO, state and federal agencies).